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Filipino Jungle Bolo

NEW RUBBER GRIP. 19-7/8" overall length, 14" cutting edge. Classic Filipino short sword. Handle wrapped in brown twist paracord or with rubber. Includes palm swell in grip to virtually eliminate shock when pell training.

Select the Twisted Paracord if you want a looser grip to do quick flourishes. Or, select the rubber grip for a more secure perch in the palm for long dummy training seasons which leave you sweating.
Similar to: Presas Bolo.

The Preas Bolo and its Legacy are now Officially Bram Frank's.
The Gov group arnis Philippines, and Filipino Martial arts, Dept of Tourism, and the World wide Family of Modern Arnis including GM Rene Tongson, GM Cristino Vasquez and the last living Presas GM Roberto Presas named Bram Frank as "the Guardian of the legacy of Presas Bolo" at the Gala wards night at the 6th FMA festival in Bacalod City Occidental Negros PI.

TAK made the "Jungle Bolo" before Bram received this accolade. Bram has generously extended the use of the Presas name to the Jungle Bolo and at some point in the future, we may change the name.

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