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SofStx Padded Thick Escrima Sticks with 6" Handle & Hollow or Nylon Core

These 21", 25", and 28" sticks come with hollow polymer or solid nylon cores. They are sold individually.

The rigid 6" handle has 1/2" of padding on the punyo (rear) for safer hammer fist strikes. 

Hollow Polymer or Solid Nylon Core?

Hollow is faster since it weighs less than nylon. It is a good choice for general classroom training and can withstand repeated high energy strikes while inflicting minimal shock.

Nylon is stronger/ heavier and should be used for all out "Caveman Kali" fighting. Nylon is suited for police/ security training classes where students will be training all day/ every day. These solid core sticks will withstand a level of repeated extreme impact to the stick not normally seen in a martial arts school.

As with all vinyl covered sticks, do not use against hard or sharp targets. Only use soft protective gear such as head/ arm guards and a gorge. These are great for minimal protective gear training. Always use eye protection! 

 Length Core ~ Weight {oz)
21" Hollow 7
21" Nylon 9
25" Hollow 8.5
25" Nylon 11
28" Hollow 9.5
28" Nylon 12

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