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Who is your Hero on Memorial Day?

I'm very passionate about certain topics. And this is one of them.

Honor, Integrity, Trustworthiness, and Responsibility are all traits of people that have served in the military. They are the people that are standing up for your right to be free, express yourself, and not live in fear. They are the protectors. The people who go and do what the rest don't want to do or can't do. Many of them have died. And that is what Memorial Day is for, honoring the fallen soldiers.

It's hard to single out one person who exemplifies the above traits. There are many. Many killed in battle and many that made it back alive, scarred or not. So, I could talk about my dad, my uncle, or many friends. But I want to single out one person who, fortunately, made it back.

A very good friend of mine, Roger, used to tell many stories of his father-in-law, Medal of Honor recipient, Col Van Barfoot. The best thing about these stories was not what he did during the war, it was about how people were so honored to meet Col. Barfoot through his later years. I am proud that so many people in this country still honor our veterans and show them respect.

To honor our fallen veterans during this Memorial Day, please take a few minutes to learn about Col. Van Barfoot and reflect on what heroes are made of. While you're firing up the BBQ on the long weekend, stop a moment and give thanks for all of those who put their lives on the line so that you can live free.

Col. Van T. Barfoot, Wikipedia

Update: Col. Barfoot's Son In Law, Roger, is a very good friend of mine. I was very honored to have him bestow upon me this challenge coin. Knowing how much Roger admired Col. Barfoot makes it that much more special. A treasure to cherish from a great friend.